EHO Therapy - Eveline Hodel - Massage and Acupuncture


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Practice in Gerrards Cross/Bucks


A very warm Welcome!

My therapy practice has been running for over 16 years and I am still as passionate as ever about giving the best tailor made treatments to my clients. 

The two main therapies I offer are 

Massage (Sports and Holistic) and Integrated Japanese Acupuncture


M a s s a g e 


Traditional massage techniques have been practised by different cultures for thousands of years.


Massage can bring relief to muscular tension and body promotes a feeling of well-being and relaxation. When we have a sore area on our body, we often instinctively massage it, because a good "rub" makes it feel better. But the benefits and uses of massage in today's fast-moving, stressful, hectic and competitive world can be even more far-reaching.

When we are massaging an area of the body, the increased local circulation removes muscle waste and provides a new supply of blood full of nutrition for the muscle and tissue. The function, elasticity and flexibility of the muscle are greatly improved. For a sports person, the enhanced muscle condition allows for better quality and intensity in training.

Massage can be extremely beneficial for people who are recovering from a sports injury or have any other musculo-skeletal injuries. With minor soft tissue injuries, massage can break down scar tissue and adhesions. The improved circulation helps the body dispose of waste products more quickly and healing can be achieved in a shorter amount of time. Massage also releases any excessive muscle tension around the injured area and therefore reduce compensatory or symptomatic aches and pains.


The effects of a more relaxing holistic massage can not be overlooked either. It has a profound effect on our neurological system which then sends the message to our muscles to relax, promoting an enhanced feeling of well being.


A bespoke treatment could be

       a revitalising Sports Massage

                   a relaxing Therapeutic Massage

                                                  or a mix of the two!

Sports Massage/Myofascial Release

Deep portions of the muscles are treated in order to release tension, untwine and smooth out the individual muscle fibres. This will improve the blood circulation, disperse waste products and regain elasticity and flexibility.

The muscles are thoroughly warmed up with general massage techniques and then treated with friction and various pressure and stretch techniques (NMT, STR and MET).

These massages are straight forward and specifically tailored to problem areas.

The deeper work can be a little bit uncomfortable at times but when done with sensitivity will bring great physical benefits afterwards. This can be especially helpful with chronic pain and tension.

Sports Massage is often used on athletes before, during and after a sports event in order to prepare him/her for a peak performance.

Sports Massage helps to avoid fatique, to relieve swelling, to reduce muscle tension, to promote flexibility and elasticity of the muscle fibres and to prevent injuries.

It is very beneficial for anyone involved with sports. Deep tissue massage can also help in the recovery of an injury, together with remedial exercises and stretches.

I trained at the London School of Sports Massage (LSSM) for a BTEC Level 5 diploma in Sports Massage in 2009 and am a fully insured member of the Institute of Sport and Remedial Massage. Since 2013 I also hold a Level 3 therapist diploma in myofascial release from imfrUK. A great additional tool for great results.

Holistic Relaxing Massage

This is a thoroughly relaxing and more spiritual massage which does not necessarily involve a lot of deep pressure techniques.

The aim is to completely relax the person - not just the body but also the mind as they are linked and each influences the other.

For example, the physical and relaxing effects of massage can be very beneficial in time of emotional/ psychological stress which can cause tension or even pain in the body.

This type of massage usually finishes with some healing and "grounding" energy holds and balancing craniosacral techniques.

I trained with the Academy of Natural Health in London in 1996 (ITEC and MTI certificates) and Turning Point Training for Craniosacral Therapy Level 1 in 2011.


A c u p u n c t u r e

In my practice, I experienced a eureka moment when I discovered integrated Japanese acupuncture. Acupuncture originates from traditional Chinese medicine and uses fine sterile needles to unblock energy channels or meridians that run through our bodies, which will have a tremendous effect on the function of our organs and our state of mind. 

With acupuncture we are striving to achieve complete harmony and balance for optimum health and vitality

I trained in Five Elements Acupuncture with Chris Roworth of the Chestnut Centre of integrated Japanese Acupuncture for three years. Chris is one of the very few people who trained and studied with Dr Hatsumi in Japan for years and who is allowed by Sensei Hatsumi to teach this integrated Japanese medicine therapy. The treatment integrates acupuncture with body/posture diagnosis , muscle testing, organ/hara work, nutritional/lifestyle advice, joint/ligament manipulations and massage. Some of the joint releases are intrinsically related to martial arts movements. 

The five elements of acupuncture - fire, earth, metal, water and wood - can all be related to certain internal and physical functions of the body as well as emotions. The different elements need to be in balance with each other for optimal health. I use postural tests, observations, muscle tests, tongue diagnosis and alarm points to determine what might be out of balance and what needs to be harmonised for the treatment. 

An Integrated Acupuncture Treatment

After the initial consultation, tests and tongue diagnosis, the applied needles need at least half an hour to work on the meridians/energy channels. This can be combined with moxa or working on other channel points with tapping, pressing or rubbing to enhance the treatment while the needles are working. Once the needles come out, there is a balancing routine (Shoden) involving hara/organ balance, body alignment, joint releases and a short massage. Sometimes it also includes craniosacral balancing. 

"My priority as a therapist is to give each client 

the most beneficial treatment

with the help of communication, observation 

and intuitive feeling".



My peaceful private practice is in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire with plenty of parking outside. If you would like to discuss anything treatment related, please contact me on 074 69 180777 or


Treatment prices are currently £65 for an hour.

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